
Thank you for visiting Quit Alcohol Now. This blog aims to provide you with ideas, guidance, tips, techniques and motivations that can help you quit drinking alcohol.

30 October, 2012

How to Quit Alcohol on Your Own

If you are planning to quit alcohol on your own, you may perhaps want to read first and try to completely understand this article. This article provides tips for people who are capable of quitting on their own, gives caution for those who believe they can yet are unsure of their conditions and endows information that can help in fully understanding the issue. This article also presents basic steps on how you can stop drinking without entering a rehab facility.

quitting alcohol on your own
Heal the Inside

Many people suffer more when they try to do things on their own hands. Individuals who have an extreme condition or those people who are already physically and psychologically dependent to the addictive substance are likely to experience hazardous withdrawal symptoms because they are not well informed about the danger involve in quitting alcohol on their own.

While they try to improve their conditions, they are prone to experience lots of difficulties due to lack of information. This could be prevented if everyone makes it sure they know what they are doing. In my quest to quit alcohol and maintain it perpetually, I have attempted many times to quit alcohol on my own without success. Luckily, with the help of many trial and errors, I was able to succeed. And to save you from this trial an error stage, I am sharing with you my ideas.

Test Your Condition

The most important thing to do when you are planning to quit on your own is to examine your condition. By doing so you will able to know whether you can do it or you need medical help. You can try not drinking for a day. For example, if you regularly drink alcohol after work, then you might want to skip it and go straight home. Monitor yourself. Know how your body is reacting to the absence of alcohol. If you survive that day without encountering withdrawal symptoms, you can extend it for another day. If you are able to manage another day, then make an effort to do it again. But if you experience any negative signs, even mild symptoms such as restlessness, nausea or simple headache, you must seek medical advice from a physician immediately. You are now facing the real fact - you can’t quit alcohol on your own. You need alcohol addiction treatments and professional help.

In this situation, the first important thing to do is to visit your doctor and go through psychological and physical examination to know your condition.

Seek Supports from Family Members or Friends

If you manage not to drink for a week or so, you can continue not drinking for a month. You can now proceed to the next level – seeking supports from your family and friends. Moral supports are big factors when it comes to getting rid of an addiction. While you are trying to beat alcohol addiction on your own, family members can help you by at least encouraging you to continue what you have started. For example, they can constantly remind you about the effects of alcohol without sounding harsh. These supports from your loved ones can inspire you to keep on your journey.

Heal the Inside

There are roots within you that cause you to drink and eventually abuse the substance. There are reasons why you became hooked to the substance. These reasons are the negative roots that must be pulled out to allow new and positive roots to grow. Quitting is not only the act of not drinking. It is also about healing your inside so that there are no reasons for you to drink again. It is about maintaining your sobriety for the rest of your life. It is about preventing alcohol addiction to develop itself again in your system.

If these negative roots continue to mature, you can never move on and that is the most excruciating point in life.

Plan Ahead

It is important to have a plan. Planning makes you to be prepared in times of emergencies and unexpected situations. It is crucial for a person who is quitting alcohol on his own to anticipate what will happen next so that he will have enough time to react and address the issue. You may want to draw a plan in your mind. For example, you can identify a specific date when you want to quit alcohol. This will help you to be ready prior to the actual quitting timeline.

Have the Willpower to Quit

If you are quitting alcohol, you must be well motivated to withstand what you are going through. Determination will bring you to recovery. Without the willpower to beat alcohol addiction on your own, you will end up only worsening your condition. You will be able to quit alcohol for a few days, then gives up the process and get back into abusing alcohol.

You must be willing to quit, not just because someone is dictating you, but because you are determined to do it. You must be eager to change your life for the better because you want to see changes in your life. By inspirations, you will not easily give up your plans and you will recover faster.

How could you completely accomplish a task if you don’t like doing the task in the first place?

For additional tips and advice that can help in quitting alcohol on your own, try to read Quit Drinking Alcohol on Your Own post.

29 October, 2012

Maintaining Your Sobriety

A Useful Quit Drinking Tip in Acquiring Motivations

An inspiration can help you quit alcohol. It serves as one of the reasons why you want your life to be in apple pie order. Whether it is a loved one, a famous personality who influences you to be in a straight line, a character in the Bible, things you want to achieve, places you want to visit, or simply an inspirational quote or poem you have read in the internet, all of these can motivate and inspire you to stop drinking and keep sober for the rest of your life. These are all elevators that lift you in reaching your goals.

acquiring motivations to quit alcohol
Think of your family.
The idea is to have the willpower to quit because you are inspired - you want to do it voluntarily. You are willing to undergo treatments; you are willing to take the necessary actions in overcoming alcohol addiction. You are eager to quit because you are enthused to do so.

You may also want to bring back the good family you used to have. You may want to imitate the good deeds of someone famous. You may want to beat alcohol addiction because you want to achieve something great. You may want to give up alcohol in return of great things. And so on and so forth...

"You may want to change because you simply want to change."

Individuals who successfully quit alcohol can tell you that inspirations play a big part in dealing with alcoholism. These inspirations give them the confidence they need to quit drinking and change their attitudes, actions and thoughts - for the better. On the other side, these motivations continually help them keep away from alcohol and all of its related activities. Inspirations create a useful mechanism that pushes them to move forward while pulling them away from the addiction.

I, too, had embraced the same principle. I encouraged myself to overcome alcohol addiction by means of inspiring people that I love, in this case, my family. They are on top of my list of reasons why I completely want to give up the habit. I realized they matters so much to me. I will quit because I don’t want them to worry about me.

Quitting alcohol is a very difficult task. Overcoming alcohol addiction can be excruciating. The symptoms, especially the cravings, can affect your entire being. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are awful like hell and they almost provide me grounds to give up my goals. Every time I experience withdrawal symptoms, alcohol automatically pops up in my mind like an electric bulb. This is because the principle of “alcohol will make you feel better” is still in my subconscious mind. To address this issue, one should be properly motivated. I must have the right tools to propel me towards sobriety. And in this situation that I put my family besides me.

I know that my loved ones are the most affected people when I am drinking. They experience negative thoughts and feelings every time I am under the influence of alcohol. They eventually develop trauma. They cannot understand the reasons behind my uncontrollable behavior. And each time they see me holding a bottle of alcoholic beverages, they can think of only one thing – trouble.

This is the reason why I am trying my best to maintain my sobriety. I don’t want to imagine the terrible and frightening moments I brought in the house. I don’t want to think about losing them again. Now, that I am repairing my personal life and enjoying the start of my new beginnings as a recovering alcoholic, I also want them to be a part of these great happenings. I want to fix my relationship with them and hopefully, that will also bring back the respect we have for each other.

It may not easy as it seems. But bit by bit, I believe I can get all my plans into reality. I am positive in restoring my true identity that was once gone due to alcohol addiction. I just need to think of them and make them my reason,my inspirations to quit alcohol. And that they will be on my side, always... no matter what.

Quit Drinking Quotes Month of October

Note: These are all my original quit drinking quotes.

quit alcohol quote
Choose wisely.

• Recovery and relapse are just around the corner. Choose one and say hello.

You have two choices – A and B. You want to completely change your life for the better and keep at it? Choose A. You want to go back to the terrible life you had? Choose B. It is your decision. You always have a choice, (read also as decision). And your choice will dictate your future.

• Indeed, it is really difficult to stand firm and defy the cravings, unless, you have no feelings at all.

Craving for alcohol is a natural episode while you are quitting alcohol. These are part of withdrawal symptoms, (fortunately, these cravings are mild symptoms) that you will surely encounter when you try to rid of an addiction. My advice is to try preventing these cravings while it is still in the first stage, meaning – learn how to stop these cravings for alcohol in the early period before it develops into uncontrollable episodes. Personally, I was able to deal with these cravings by just making my mind busy all the time. There are many ways how you can forget about drinking – for example, there are lots of activities that can help you divert your thoughts to other useful things.

• You can’t drown your problems by means of alcohol. Problems are good swimmers, you know.

Many people drink alcohol to temporarily “forget” what they are going through. This behavior results to binge drinking, blackout episodes and hangovers. And to realize in the morning that their problems turn out to be more complicated than before. “Drinking alcohol to forget” is not the solution. It will only produce additional and bigger problems – worsening the situation which could have been settled earlier. If you have problems, be “man” enough to straighten things out. Be responsible with all your actions. And be courageous enough to win over these great swimmers of life.

• People who say that it is easy quitting alcohol are similar to bystanders in front of two guys playing chess.

It is simple for people who are not in the same shoes to say it is easy quitting alcohol. It is easy for them to tell you what you should and you should not do. You know yourself more than they do. You should stick with your plans and you should always consider your own instinct.

• If you allow depression to steps in, you will see a bottle of hard drinks in front of you and in your back, alcohol relapse laughing.

Avoid thinking about depression. Avoid thinking about hopelessness. You must always choose happiness. Once you feel depressed, cravings for alcohol will set in. You will suffer more due to the strong desire to have that drink because you want to “feel better”. There are other helpful things to make you feel better. Enjoy being with someone. Enjoy talking with your loved ones. Without alcohol.

Always put in mind that depression will only make you feel old and blue. Focus your mind on quitting alcohol and make it an “enjoyable” experience. Take it one day at a time. Once you surpassed the first critical stages, you will notice that you are automatically become accustomed with the process.

More quit drinking quotes next month.

15 October, 2012

How I Became an Alcoholic

This is my personal story. It could happen to anyone and may have already happened to you. Find out with this article how I became an alcoholic and that everyone is susceptible to become one. Learn how you can prevent alcohol addiction from entering in to you or how you can quit drinking alcohol safely.

“Alcoholism will not happen to me. I will not become an alcoholic because I can stop at any point in time. I can quit drinking if I want to. The fact that I can do my responsibilities as an employee, a family member and friend only prove that I do not have drinking problems.” <-- this is what YOU are probably thinking.

“I can go out with my friends and drink alcohol up to the last drop. I can be wild and be merry. I can drink because I am the king of my own kingdom. I am doing my job with great enthusiasm and so I am earning my own money. I’m not asking anyone to pay out for my drinks. I am spending my hard earned money and so I am entitled to drink anytime, anywhere.”

Perhaps, these are the reasons why YOU abused alcohol. These are what you believed so you are still abusing it and pretending you are not facing any great risk.

“If you believe Mr. Johnny Walker is your bestfriend, why are you abusing him?”

People who reason out they can quit anytime they like because they do not have drinking problems are in the denial stage. Denying there is something wrong is one of the symptoms in the list of being an alcoholic. Rejecting the real condition and the negative impacts of their drinking habit on their lives and having in mind they are doing well when it comes to their drinking pattern is probably the most difficult stage in dealing with alcohol addiction. It usually leads a person to a more susceptible condition. He will drink again and again because he thinks he is not in any danger whatsoever.

The truth when it comes to the development of alcohol addiction is that individuals who are drinking heavily because they pretend to have a good life will lead them to the path of becoming full blown alcoholics. The way that alcoholism grows can be enumerated with these three simple stages.

The Road to Alcoholism

First Stage: The Start of the Journey

We experience boredom, depression, pain. We feel anxious, insecure, tensed. In many situations, we received invitations and encouragements to drink from family members and drinking buddies. And with the struggles we encounter in our daily lives, we tend to go with the flow. We seek for ways to overcome our problems. We find ways to temporarily escape from the daily stress.

Advertising also suggests that we will feel completely relaxed if we drink. Commercials on TV, print ads and radio programs recommend that alcohol is required to have a good, relaxing life. These ads show joyful people drinking and partying in order to feel pleasure and contentment. How can we refuse to accept if they put in the picture that happiness is just around the corner?

There are also peer pressures that will push us to drink. You will feel you do not belong to the group if you do not drink. You will get the feeling you are on your own if you don’t join the activities of the group.

So it is not surprising that we, with all the “good things” in front of us, cannot reject the wave of temptation from alcohol. We will consume a glass of that relaxing wine to feel relaxed, to feel happy, and to fit in with the group. And we will get the reward - we will eventually feel relaxed, casual and “in”. We will continue to drink in pursuit of happiness, for the sake of contentment and camaraderie. We will drink to get those rewards.

In this stage, you are not thinking of quitting alcohol because you don’t yet see any problems with your drinking.

Second Stage: Psychological Dependence

In the next situation, we have faster access to alcohol. Our mind initially tells us that we should keep drinking because it will make us feel better. We should continue drinking to maintain our relationships with friends and make new ones. There is none who can refuse to give in to these rewards.

Eventually, we no longer think of addressing our problems without alcohol. We automatically turn our head to alcohol every time we feel depressed. We would think that it is very easy to get help with drinking alcohol, to feel relax, reduce our inhibitions and overcome our worries. And on the other hand, drinking allows us to forget all these problems concerning our jobs, familial issues and personal problems. We now rely to alcohol to feel better, to get better. We now depend on the substance in accomplishing our daily tasks, in thinking creatively. It already penetrated our entire system and slowly transformed our being into a different one.

In this stage, you may discover that it is very hard to stop the habit. You will find out that it is difficult to quit because your own mind is your enemy. While the other side of your mind tells you need to quit drinking alcohol, the other insists you to continue because you have to.

Third Stage: Physical Dependence

Finally, our body gets used to the substance so much. Alcohol became habitual and it eventually became a part of our life. We are now physically dependent. We cannot live a single day without alcohol. Our body considers alcohol as an endogenous substance and it cannot function normally if there is too little or none in our body. This is shown by experiencing withdrawal symptoms such as intense cravings for alcohol, nervousness, tremors, angst and sweating. We feel great only if we have a sufficient alcohol in our bloodstream.

And once these three stages gradually happened into our system one by one, we are completely transformed. We experience depression instantly. We struggle to get rid of our habit but we feel weak when we are not drinking. But we do not have the power to resist our desire to drink again. We find it very difficult to quit drinking because the addiction is presently controlling our mind and body.

In this situation, it is best to seek for professional and medical help. It is extremely dangerous to quit alcohol on your own if you are experiencing alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Seeking medical help and quitting alcohol in a safe environment such as in rehab centers are the best way in treating this kind of condition.

You have no choice. Damage has been done. And if you wait for a knight in shining armor to save you, your condition will get worst and you will find yourself in a hospital bed, suffering. Or you will face the most horrible, shaking hands with the earthworms down under.

You have to move forward. You have to do the necessary actions to combat your addiction.

14 October, 2012

Advantages and Disadvantages of Outpatient Alcohol Detoxification

Let me give you a quick look to the information about the advantages and disadvantages of outpatient alcohol detox. If you are trying to quit alcohol and you want to have a good start, outpatient alcohol detoxification (or detox at home) is one option. It is important to have as many options as you can possibly get in order to find the right alcoholism treatments. A person with dependency to alcohol will have a complete recovery if he gets hold of the proper program/s and method/s that is/are suitable for him. He can achieve a smooth recovery if he knows what program is best fit for his condition.

Familiarizing with the advantages and disadvantages of outpatient alcohol detoxification can be a good start for you. Knowing if this option is suitable for your condition will allow you to decide if you can quit at home or if you are required to quit alcohol in an alcohol rehab center. It is also important to know how long it will take to recover from this stage to know what the next steps will be. Once you recognize the steps to be made, then, you can be sure you are walking on the right path towards sobriety.

Advantages of Detox at Home

Alcohol detoxification at home is less expensive than detox at rehab centers. You will surely save money on expenses such maintenance treatments, accommodation and doctor’s fee. If you are serious about quitting alcohol but do not have enough money on alcohol rehabilitation center, then outpatient alcohol detox program is for you.

You do not have to worry about your privacy as an individual. Some individuals who are quitting alcohol don’t want to be seen by others to keep their lives confidential. They don’t want to be exposed to the public and want to stay at home while treating their addiction.

Another advantage of outpatient detoxification process is that you don’t have to be separated from your family and loved ones. You don't have to be alone in the process.

You can also have a normal daily life while detoxifying from alcohol. Some people still need to do their daily activities and tasks, keeping their jobs alive to support their family. Detox at home can tackle that issue and a person who is quitting alcohol can still attend to their daily routines even if they are undergoing alcohol detoxification process.

Outpatient alcohol detoxification program can help you repair you system while you are repairing your social relationship and domestic issues. You will have the opportunity to show your family and friends about how you are determined and decisive in reaching sober world.

Disadvantages of Outpatient Alcohol Detoxification Program

If you are trying to have a dry phase, meaning that you are quitting alcohol cold turkey, you should ask for medical help and the only thing that you can be sure of your smooth recovery is by entering a rehab center or inpatient alcohol detoxification. The doctor and staff in an alcohol rehab center can provide you a secure procedure in quitting alcohol. People with severe and chronic condition of alcoholism should be admitted in a medical facility so that he can have the necessary attention for his situation. It is dangerous to detox at home because an alcoholic and his family may encounter health issues and the right answers may not be available.

You are still exposed on invitations. Your former drinking buddies can go to your place and still invite you for a drink if you are going detox at home. This may lead to accepting the temptations and back to drinking again. It is very difficult to stop cravings for alcohol once it is generated by the invitations from drinking buddies or friends who are still drinking. Try to keep your determination intact so that you can refuse their invitations. You can also tell them that you are quitting alcohol and that you are trying not to drink even of little amount.

You are alone in the process in terms of medical aspects. You don’t have a health care provider or doctor in your side, in times of medical assistance. If emergency situation occurs, you have to go to the hospital to address the problem.

Trying to detox at home while quitting alcohol is a difficult task and you are open to the elements of relapse. It can also worsen your condition instead of making it better. So, it is highly recommended to ask for professional help and medical assistance to be sure you are getting the right treatment and doing the correct procedure.

11 October, 2012

List of Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Centers in the Philippines Region 3

Part 1

Here is a list of public and private alcohol and drug rehabilitation / treatment centers / facilities in Region 3 or Central Luzon in the Philippines.

Get Immediate Help From Legitimate Rehab Centers 

List of Alcohol and Drug Rehab in Region III Three

Central Luzon - Includes Angeles, Aurora, Bataan, Bulacan, Nueva Ecija, Olongapo, Pampanga, Tarlac and Zambales

1. Bulacan Drug Rehabilitation Foundation, Inc. - Rehabilitation Center in Bulacan

Address: De Belen’s Compound, Abraham St., Brgy. Tiaong, Baliuag, Bulacan
Telephone Number: (044) 673-7548
Fax Number: (044) 766-4893
Email Address: bdrfi@yahoo.com
Website: www.geocities.com/bdrfi (update: The site is not available as of September 18, 2012)
Facebook Page: BDRFI
Director / Facilitator: Dr. Roberto V. Ramirez - Executive Director
Services: Provides drug and alcohol addiction treatments, programs and facilities for substance abuse problems.
Remarks: Written on their Facebook page is the tagline: This institution saves many souls. Bulacan Drug and Rehabilitation Foundation, Inc. is recognized by the Department of Health (DOH).

You may like to understand the importance of quitting alcohol in a rehab center in order to have a complete view on this subject. Learning how these centers can help you or someone you really love overcome alcohol addiction will develop motivation on your part.

2. Rebirth Philippines Therapeutic Community Foundation, Inc. – Treatment Facility in Bataan

Bataan Address: 71 Wakas South, Pilar, Bataan
Bulacan Address: #441 Claro Santos St., Bonga Mayor, Bustos, Bulacan, 3007
Telephone Numbers: Bataan: (047)237-5377 / 791-2166 Bulacan: (044) 6194643
Cellphone Numbers: 09175975379 / 09189592567
Fax Number: (not applicable)
Email Address: rebirthptcfi_71@yahoo.com
Website: (not applicable)
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rebirth-Philippines-Therapeutic-Community-Foundation-Inc/165283843490161
Admission Hours: Mon - Sun: 7:00 am - 10:00 pm
Director: Eloisa S. Tria, DMD - Executive Director
Services: Rebirth Philippines Therapeutic Community Foundation Inc. is a Department of Health (DOH) accredited medical and rehabilitation center for patients with drug and alcohol addiction, mental illnesses and behavioral problems.

Remarks: Not sure if the acronym DMD (title of the directress) stands for Doctor of Medical Dentistry - which is related to dental degree or Drug Metabolism and Disposition - which is related in the study of drug design, pharmacology and toxicology.

3. Damascus Foundation, Inc.

Address: Damascus Compound, Pulong Sampalok, Dona Remedios Trinidad, Bulacan 3009 Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63-920-211-5627, +623-922-862-6630 to 32
Cellphone Numbers: +63-917-888-8748
Fax Numbers: (not applicable)
Email Address: damascusfoundation@yahoo.com
Facebook Page: Damascus St. Paul 
Director: Robert Tiangco
Admission Hours: Mondays thru Fridays
Services: Christian rehabilitation programs that help individuals deal with alcohol and drug problems.

“Section 62 of the dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 of Republic Act 9165, requires individuals who are apprehended for use and possession of illicit drugs undergo rehabilitation of at least (6) months . Damascus addresses this need.”

Individuals who voluntarily submit their selves for rehabilitation are the majority of their patients. They also accept referrals from different government and non-government agencies.

Remarks: Monthly fee costs 10,000 PHP, (approximately 230 USD) plus a personal allowance of 1,500 PHP ( 35 USD) for daily expenditure such as medicine, snack and toiletries.

4. Nanay Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Center

Address: Bgy. Poblacion, Pandi, Bulacan, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: (not applicable)
Cellphone Numbers: (0917) 516-0892, (0916)627-5132, (0943)327-7636
Fax Numbers: (not applicable)
Website: http://www.nanayrehab.com/
Facebook Page: Nanay Rehab
Director: Owned and operated by the Nazarenus College and Hospital Foundation, Inc.
Admission Hours: You can visit Nanay Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Center Mondays thru Saturdays, 8 am to 5 pm. You can also make inquiries at Nazarenus College and Hospital Foundation at Brgy. Saluysoy, Meycauayan, Bulacan.

Services: A recognized specialty hospital on mental health providing excellent services through the following programs: treatment and reintegration, outpatient and outreach clinics, capability building, networking and linkages.

To evaluate patients with behavioral disorders especially those who are drug and alcohol dependents. Implement quality care to clients who are drug and alcohol dependents and to those who are psychologically disturbed

To provide crisis intervention to emotionally disturbed people

To treat mentally ill patients particularly drug and alcohol dependents with up-to-date therapeutic interventions

To rehabilitate improved patients by offering occupational therapy and skills training

To follow-up treatment process through the out-patient and outreach services

Remarks: Guarantee equitable, sustainable and quality health care for all Filipinos and to lead them quest for excellence in health.

10 October, 2012

The Importance of Quitting in an Alcohol Rehabilitation Center

Am I Required to Enter in an Alcohol Rehabilitation Center if I Quit Drinking?

This article covers the information regarding the importance of quitting alcohol in a rehabilitation center. This will also share some the basic program used by alcohol rehabs that help a patient recover from alcoholism. This article may also enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of entering in an alcohol rehabilitation center. Knowing the positive and the negative issues are very important when someone is on a crossroad in choosing the right treatment facility, as well as selecting a suitable program for an alcoholic. There are many options available and a person who wants to overcome alcohol addiction can fully recover if he has enough knowledge to beat the habit.

quitting in a rehab center
Quit Alcohol Now

What is an Alcohol Rehabilitation Center?

Alcohol rehab centers are licensed facilities that offer physical, psychological and emotional support to alcoholics who have extreme conditions and are chronic in nature, who wishes to quit alcohol. Quitting alcohol in a rehab center is one option to combat the disease. It is one of the many ways in dealing with drinking problems. A rehab center provides medical treatments, detoxification programs and procedures. It is often observed that people talked about a center and associate it to alcoholics who have extreme conditions and severe symptoms of withdrawal.

Alcohol rehab centers also help individuals manage and overcome their alcohol withdrawal symptoms. The center provides ways, medical and natural methods in combating alcoholism, and introduces an aftercare program that will stop cravings for alcohol. If a patient successfully manages his cravings, there will be no chance of relapse. A problem drinker suffering from strong addiction to alcohol can have the opportunity to make plans for the future when they are in a rehab facility.

There are many alcohol rehabilitation centers and programs nowadays. These centers can provide support, advice and specific medical treatments for alcoholics who have decided to give up the habit. When someone is planning to quit alcohol, entering in an alcohol rehab center can help in reaching and achieving recovery stage and staying dry for long term periods.

Alcohol addiction is a powerful and life-threatening form of addiction. And because of these involved health risks, many people are now considering entering in an alcohol rehab center to get help. They are also seeking for aftercare programs and detoxification methods that they know are essential parts in quitting alcohol. Family orientation, counseling and group therapies are also put into consideration to support the program and fully understand the roots of the problem.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Quitting alcohol in a Rehabilitation Center

The issues associated on alcohol addiction and the growing numbers of people who are becoming hooked to alcohol are standing factors that make it necessary for alcohol rehab centers and treatment facilities to get involved in the process. However, while there are lots of advantages, we should also consider the disadvantages.


• Quitting alcohol is physically, emotionally and psychologically safe.
• Many options and programs are available.
• There are aftercare programs that can help in preventing relapse and stop cravings for alcohol.
• Detoxification is a part of their program allowing a person to cleanse his system and recover completely.
• There are group sessions and therapy being conducted and are important in understanding one’s condition.
• There is a medical intervention that helps in dealing with alcohol withdrawal symptoms.
• There is a high rate of success due to the professional intervention from experts that know how to handle alcoholism.


• It will surely cost you money.
• The patient is separated from his family during the rehabilitation period.
• Privacy is another concern.
• Most quitting programs used by rehab centers are linked to an outpatient program (usually with fees) that requires a person to attend meetings and aftercare sessions.
• Quitting procedures are often not individualized for each resident.

Alcoholism has become a common problem and is linked to many serious problems and health issues in the world today. We are now more conscious with the dilemma brought by these problems. We know now that there is a need for alcohol rehabilitation centers to intervene when a person decided to quit alcohol. In general, alcoholics who have decided to stop drinking realized the importance of quitting alcohol in rehabs to help them come up with straight solutions to their addictions.

In general, the length of stay in an alcohol rehab center while quitting alcohol depends on the condition of each individual. People with extreme condition may require longer period of treatments while others only need short term medications combine with after-care treatments. Each patient who has given traditional treatments can now enjoy the benefit of alcohol-free life. Rehabilitation centers have solutions to the countless people who have drinking problems and help them quit alcohol without relapse.

09 October, 2012

Is Quitting Alcohol by Going Cold Turkey a Dangerous Approach

If you think you have the power to quit alcohol by going on a cold turkey approach and you are certain of yourself you can do it alone without outside or medical help, you need to understand first all the important and necessary issues regarding this process. By learning the facts and figures, you are not only making sure you are doing the right decision but also increasing the chance of a having a smooth recovery.

no to alcohol
Going Cold Turkey - The last DRINK is the LAST!

Quitting alcohol by engaging in a total abstinence from alcohol can jeopardize you, your health in particular. Many experts say that cold turkey is the most effective way of quitting alcohol. In fact, Alcoholics Anonymous’ principle of the Twelve Steps is summarized in this manner. Moreover, a lot of people who have managed to kick the habit will prove to us that going in a state of total self-denial surely bring them to the sober world.

Other experts recommend to us to take it slow and quit alcohol gradually, by basically cutting down the consumption until achieving a controlled drinking pattern. By tapering the amount of alcohol being consumed, we are allowing the body to adjust its system and anticipate alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

Understanding the Phrase Cold Turkey

What is cold turkey, anyway? What do they exactly mean when they say “quit alcohol and go cold turkey”?

Going cold turkey simply means that “to come off (hard) alcohol or drugs abruptly, rather than quitting gradually and more easily”. The term was said to originate in the 1930’s to refer to a plain dish, served without frills and ceremony. By analogy, the withdrawal method was the most basic and straightforward. (Dictionary of Idioms and Their Origins, Linda and Roger Flavell, 2004, p. 60)

Cold turkey – instantaneous withdrawal – is the method usually used in jails to take a boy off narcotics. We used it partly because we had no choice; we could not administer the withdrawal drugs they use in hospitals. Bu8t we prefer cold turkey on its own merits, too. The withdrawal is considerably faster; three days as against three weeks. The pain is more intense, but is over sooner. (David Wilkerson, The Cross and the Switchblade, 1963).

go cold turkey - to stop (doing something) without tapering off. Slang. Originally drug slang. Now concerned with breaking any habit. (NTC’s American Idioms Dictionary, Richard A. Spears, Ph. D.)

According to Wikipedia:

There are several explanations of the phrase's origin:

A narrowing of the meaning "suddenly or without preparation," from cold turkey being a dish that requires little preparation; originally used for heroin addicts.

From the American phrase talk turkey meaning "to speak bluntly with little preparation".

Some believe the derivation is from the comparison of a cold turkey carcass and the state of a withdrawing addict — most notably, the cold sweats, goose bumps.

Reference to the periods after Christmas and Thanksgiving holidays where cold (leftover) turkey was likely to be eaten, coinciding with the end of those holidays' characteristically high alcohol consumption.

Is Quitting Alcohol by Going Cold Turkey a Dangerous Approach

Quitting alcohol by means of cold turkey approach means a person will stop drinking and implement complete abstinence. The last drink will be his last, no more next in line. Yes, it is a basic and an easy method yet effective. For some and dangerous for others.

The decision to quit drinking alcohol takes time. An individual who have been drinking heavily and continuously abusing alcohol for a long period of time goes through several stages in his life before realizing the need to quit. He may even deny his drinking problems and make believe he can stop drinking anytime he likes. He will face many painful and negative situations before reaching the decision to give up alcohol. And when he does learn the consequences, cold turkey may be his first resort. So, can his last drink be the really “the ULTIMATE last”?

Alcohol addiction does not happen overnight, it also needs time to develop. The body adjusts to the amount of alcohol being consumed and the drinking pattern as well. With this, the regular use of alcohol can develop into a strong dependency to the substance. The body slowly adapts to the dosage being taken and regular drinking causes the body to be used to its effects so it expects to have the regular amount in order to be satisfied. When the addiction has already into the system, this is when quitting alcohol by going cold turkey becomes dangerous. A person who suddenly stops drinking will have to deal with alcohol withdrawal symptoms. And because of these symptoms, the quitting process becomes risky. This is the reason why I encourage everyone to seek medical help from experts before doing anything.

Quitting cold turkey can put a person’s life at risks especially if he is a chronic drinker because of  alcohol withdrawal symptoms. 

Light to moderate drinkers may not be subjected to experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms. And can quit alcohol cold turkey. In fact, it is practical for a light drinker to quit cold turkey because he can quickly recover from the habit. He can also cleanse his system more accurate because there will be no poisonous chemical that will intervene in the procedure. But this does not mean he is not required to go to an alcohol addiction specialist or seek medical advice from doctors. There are others things to be considered. And it is always the best idea to have a doctor on his side to monitor and supervise the quitting process.

Perhaps this situation only makes us realize we have two options when it comes to the correct program or method for quitting alcohol. We can choose to quit alcohol by means of going cold turkey or we can quit drinking gradually. Whichever you prefer, make your quitting a wholesome experience and a safe process by visiting an alcohol addiction expert.

04 October, 2012

Activities That Can Help to Stop Drinking Alcohol

I notice a lot of people are looking for activities that they can do to help them to stop drinking alcohol. The reason for this is clear - they want their minds, as well as their body, to be occupied with other useful things to prevent them from thinking about alcohol. Making the mind and body busy surely can be a “weapon” in dealing with alcohol addiction. For example, activities which involve physical, mental and emotional interactions can stop a person’s cravings for alcohol because it can purposely convert those harmful moods into new and optimistic ideas. These useful ideas replace their negative points of views to favorable ones. This is also good in terms of changing one’s lifestyle into a regulated and disciplined way of living.

activities to stop drinking alcohol
Dinner with family members can help you to stop drinking alcohol 

An alcoholic may have ignored how he behaves in his everyday life. He may have neglected his physical health due to his addiction to alcohol. He may have lost his mental ability to think clearly because alcoholism had been darkened his trail all the way. His natural feelings of love and care for his family may have been dimmed by neglect. With all these complicated and detrimental events happened in his life, he may have accumulated hatred, selfishness, distress and other emotional issues unconsciously. And as he keeps on abusing alcohol, his condition continues to deteriorates, too.

An alcoholic lost his track. And he may have lost his courage to go back from the wrong path. He may have forgotten the energy and spirit he used to have in dealing with struggles. Refreshing his mind, body and soul after the decision to quit alcohol will do the trick. He can immediately re-establish his energy by bringing his whole being to an active state. By interacting to the world and society he is living. By simply doing the normal tasks which had been in the deep for a long time.

There are many ways to get back into the real world. Normal everyday living is just an inch away. Healthy lifestyle is just around the corner. Logical or critical thinking can be developed to provide fresh thoughts. And while a person quits drinking alcohol, he can also bring back these aspects by willingly working together with the outside world.

Some Activities That Can Help You to Stop Drinking Alcohol

If you enjoy physical activities, then you might as well try playing ball games. There are different sorts of ball games that you can play to stop your cravings for alcohol. These physical activities will not only make you physically active and redirect your mind from thinking about drinking but will also develop your self-esteem by means of socializing with other people. You will recall the feeling of how you enjoy doing normal tasks without alcohol.

You can start making new friends. Basketball, volleyball, tennis and baseball are few of the sports you can try to help you to stop drinking naturally. These activities require you to work together with other people. You will develop your ability to be a good team player. And will give you a chance to make new friends.

Physical activities are very useful in promoting a physically fit, full of confidence and smart individual. A person who became a slave of alcohol addiction may have lost his self-esteem and his reasons for living. It is a good idea to allow the individual heals his wounds and repairs the damages by making him realize his significance. By letting him feel he has a life worth living can help in following his dreams.

Writing poems, short stories and essays about your true experiences and personal stories as an alcoholic can serve as an outlet to let go of the negative thoughts and emotions. You can also Writing down these inside thoughts and ideas can provide you an effective way to get rid of habit once and for all. Writing requires you to think creatively, a good step in developing your artistic side. It is also a good way of practicing reasoning and comprehension skills.

If you have a backyard, you can make gardening one of your hobbies. And habits. It is a good activity that can help you to stop drinking alcohol and keep t that way. Growing plants and flowers can help you to stop drinking alcohol because they require constant efforts to succeed. It enhances your patience. It develops your ability to maintain your sobriety.

Keeping a pet is also an excellent activity you will enjoy and helps you to stop drinking alcohol. Your pet will add inspiration and motivation on your part. It will increase your skill in handling commitments and relationships as well as responsibility. While keeping a pet encourages you not to drink, it also teaches you to be dependable and dedicated.

Create a bonding experience with your family rather than hanging out with your drinking buddies. Make an effort to go home early after work and cook a special dinner for them. This idea will NOT ONLY prevent you to drink alcohol but will also repair your broken relationship with them. You may have ignored and mistreated your family in the past because of your uncontrolled behavior. They may have also lost their affection to you. Now is the time to restore the connection between you and the other family members. Now is the right time for you to recuperate and show them the real you.

You can do whatever activities you like. Just don’t include drinking and abusing alcohol on the list. You can still enjoy life even without alcohol. You can still be productive and useful even without the spirit of alcohol on your bloodstream. You can still be in high spirits even without alcohol in your hands. Live simple. Be contented with your life. Choose to be happy. You have all the reasons to live for. You have your family who supports your plans to stop drinking alcohol. You have your friends who comfort you in bad times. You still have your life. Rise up and move. From now on, make it a life worth living.

Quit alcohol now.

01 October, 2012

What to Do To Stop Alcohol Cravings

Learn How to Stop Thinking About Drinking

Once a person quits drinking alcohol, he or she will experience cravings for alcohol at one time or another. This individual will have to learn how to deal with this strong desire to drink again to prevent him from getting back into the habit. The individual should acquire motivations, strengthen his determination, try to learn the steps, implement what he has learned, push his limits and make sure to stand up whenever he falls.

quitting alcohol now sign picture
Drinking Alcohol is Not an Option Anymore

Craving for a drink is a form of mild alcohol withdrawal symptom. It can be the result of a physical dependency or psychologically triggered. Whether these cravings are physical or psychosomatic in nature, it is always the best idea to learn how to deal with this situation. These occurrences usually lead to relapse and if a person doesn’t know how to stop alcohol cravings, his condition will surely get worse.

Here are some tips that you can do to stop your alcohol cravings.

A person can stop alcohol cravings by substituting drinking alcohol with drinking healthy liquids. You can look for natural fruit and vegetable juice recipes in the internet. Make it a habit to drink these natural and organic juice extracts. Fruits and vegetables have natural sugar which helps in preventing cravings for alcohol because of its macrobiotic characteristic. Regular intake can also cleanse the body from the poisonous chemicals absorbed during alcohol abuse. It will not only stop cravings for alcohol but can also make you physically fit to tolerate other withdrawal symptoms. The benefits of drinking natural fruit juices will help in the rehabilitation of the system while getting rid of the addictive substance.

Eating a well-balanced diet lessen alcohol withdrawal symptoms. It also repairs broken cells and renews the damaged internal organs of your body, decreasing the chance of getting sick while quitting. Changing your lifestyle in terms of proper diet can uphold a healthy recovery, free from intoxicating materials.

Water is also a good weapon in beating alcohol cravings. This universal liquid helps in getting rid of the substance that has once been part of your system. Water is good in terms of rejuvenating your physical part and also helps in sustaining a well-balanced system. Drinking ten glasses of water, more than the usual eight, can help in detoxification and rehabilitation.

If possible, keep away from the things that can trigger your mind to think about alcohol. For example, get rid of empty beer and wine bottles, even those that are not totally consumed. Don’t give them to someone else; throw them in the garbage can, ready for disposal. Seeing alcohol bottles in the kitchen cabinet, even if they are already empty, can weaken your determination in maintaining your sobriety. In addition, you have no reason at all to keep them so why not just throw them away. It is also a good idea in forgetting of the “past events” in your life and transforming it to a better “present”.

Making your mind busy all the time can stop you from thinking about drinking. If you really want to stop alcohol cravings, you should change your lifestyle completely. And one way of changing it for the better is engaging your mind to productive, important and enjoyable things in life. You may have had negative points of view in life because of alcohol addiction. Now is the time to change that perspective and put the positives at the top. You may have been doing non-sense activities in the past. Now is the time to revise your list of priorities.

Physical activities like jogging, walking and running are all simple tasks yet are really big help in remodeling your life and personality. These activities do not only make you physically active but makes you regain your consciousness of the outside world.

Writing a blog, like what I am doing right now, really helps in redirecting my negative habit to excellent way of living. Blogging also serves me as an outlet to let go of my stress in everyday struggle of quitting alcohol. Writing poems, short stories, cooking are all helpful in “distracting your mind” from thinking about drinking.

Another activity that is effective in stopping alcohol cravings is bonding with your loved ones. Doing some activity, joining them in a picnic party (without alcohol) or just talking with them are all best ideas in redirecting your mind away from alcohol. Bonding with family members is a good way in putting back your connection with them. And while your relationship with them are slowly restoring, you also are creating significant allies that can help you in continuing your quitting journey.

If you are experiencing strong cravings for alcohol, and natural ways of dealing with the physical mood do not meet your expectations, medications for alcohol withdrawal symptoms may be the only source of solution. There are many synthetic drugs, in the form of pills and capsules, available to tackle one’s issue. A drug called naltrexone, if taken in prescribed manner and with the supervision of a health care provider, can make you feel pain and rough when you drink alcohol again. It is highly prudent to seek advice from legitimate physicians to know which drug is suitable for your condition. Moreover, these withdrawal symptoms drugs usually require prescription from a licensed doctor before you can buy them.

Another effective and good way of beating alcohol cravings is tranquility inside. Try to be calm and relaxed. Avoid stressful situations and depressions to prevent triggers. You can listen to relaxing music every time you feel like drinking. Instrumental and gentle music can calm your mind and heart. It can put you to a peaceful state and allows you to reflect on different things on your life.

Though, it will be difficult for you at first to change your way of living, because you are used in living in a loud, stormy world in the past, but if you focus your mind in doing these tips, it will be easier for you as you progress.

Strengthen the determination deep within. Whenever you feel like drinking again, always put in mind that once you quit drinking alcohol, you can’t drink again. Erase the option of drinking alcohol again to feel better. It is not the solution to alcohol withdrawal symptoms. And when you do drink again, it will create a domino effect that makes it hard to start all over again. You wouldn't want that to happen, would you?

Knowing what to do to stop alcohol cravings is important. But preventing it to happen in the first place is always a good idea rather than waiting the situation to grab you in the face before doing the necessary actions.