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28 September, 2012

Quit Drinking Alcohol on Your Own

Can a Person Really Quit Drinking Alcohol on His Own?

I, too, encountered this crossroad. When I became aware of my worsening condition, I also asked the same question - can I actually quit alcohol on my own with no help from a doctor or staff of a rehabilitation center? Or it is mandatory for me to enter a rehab and undergo addiction program? Do I need to be admitted or can I still recover even without medical treatments?
quit alcohol crossroad

Due to the high rates of doctor’s professional fees, addiction treatments and in-patient rehabilitation costs, not to mention the privacy issues involved, the length of the duration you need to stay in the facility away from your loved ones (read as outside world, of course) and the required out-patient sessions after you’ve finished the in-patient program, you would think of finding alternative solutions. You would seek ways on how you can quit drinking on your own.

If someone is on the starting line of qiutting alcohol, he has two available options. First, he can quit drinking alcohol by means of his own initiative, meaning he can proceed by not going into any kind of treatment and just quit by his self. Second, he can voluntarily submit himself for an alcohol addiction program, usually conducted by a medical doctor in an alcohol or drug rehabilitation facility. Each of these two choices has different environment. And has different results for different individual, for that matter.

So, how can you quit drinking and fight alcohol addiction by means of your own initiatives?

The answer to the question may be simple. Or is, in fact, simple.

Seven (7) Simple Steps on How to Quit Drinking on Your Own

First, you need to have that rock-solid determination. This includes being motivated or inspired. A good foundation in achieving your goal, the determination to become a normal individual and to hold the wheel in controlling your life, can put your quit drinking plans into reality. It will tell you to keep on walking even if there are barriers along the way. It will push you on moving forward even on rough roads. It will even help you not to be interrupted by anyone or anything you will meet along the way. You will just go on, moving towards sobriety.

After having that willpower to quit alcohol in your hands, you should now make yourself physically, emotionally and psychologically prepared for the big fight. This is the second step that you need to quit drinking alcohol on your own. Being fit to quit makes a big difference.

Alcohol addiction changed your way of living. You absolutely ignored your diet because of the addiction. You may have skipped your meals because all you have in mind is alcohol. You may have eaten unhealthy food in the past because you are unaware of the effects. Drinking alcohol also affects appetite. This makes your body and mind weak and undernourished. Now that you are quitting alcohol on your own, you should do your best in bringing back the habit of eating healthy foods.

Third, you need to ask moral supports from your loved ones. Although, you are quitting alcohol on your own, you need to be constantly motivated during your journey. And one motivational technique that can be effective in terms of transforming you to a better human being is by believing you have a reason to live. Your family is the topmost reason why you must be sober all the time. The feeling of being with someone you trust can also help in building confidence within you.

Fourth, you need to have specific and detailed plans. If you want to reach the stage of recovery, you have to draw a specific angle and specify where your feet must make their steps. By doing so, you are not only familiarizing yourself with the problems that you will encounter but you are also motivating yourself to walk where you should be walking. Create an exact but realistic goal and do your best to achieve it.

Fifth, you need to keep away from your drinking buddies or friends, even from closed friends who are still drinking alcohol. Hanging out or being with friends who drink alcohol can trigger alcohol cravings. And will lead to relapse. If situations can’t be prevented, try tip on quitting on your own number six.

Sixth, you should learn how to say no and when to say no. Make your alibis always available for friends or relatives who will still insist even if you do told them your plans on quitting alcohol. White lies are good defense for situations like this.

The last but not the least is - take it one day at a time.

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are the only barriers that definitely hinder a person to quit drinking alcohol on his own. The health risks, the possibility of mild symptoms becoming severe ones, the emergency situations, all these are associated with withdrawal symptoms that requires medical attention. Symptom of withdrawal like a simple headache can develop into terrible migraine that typically leads to other bigger health problems. This is the reason why a person who has been drinking alcohol heavily for years is subjected for medical supervision while quitting alcohol and is not advised to quit alcohol on his own. The condition is so severe that it needs not to be taken for granted.

If you are one of the many individuals who are showing signs of extreme withdrawal from alcohol, you should not do it on your own. You should seek for medical help so that you will have a better chance of recovering from alcohol addiction.

We have a choice, we always have a choice. If you are not confident that you can do it alone, then you can seek medical help. Otherwise, you can quit drinking alcohol on your own.

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