
Thank you for visiting Quit Alcohol Now. This blog aims to provide you with ideas, guidance, tips, techniques and motivations that can help you quit drinking alcohol.

04 October, 2012

Activities That Can Help to Stop Drinking Alcohol

I notice a lot of people are looking for activities that they can do to help them to stop drinking alcohol. The reason for this is clear - they want their minds, as well as their body, to be occupied with other useful things to prevent them from thinking about alcohol. Making the mind and body busy surely can be a “weapon” in dealing with alcohol addiction. For example, activities which involve physical, mental and emotional interactions can stop a person’s cravings for alcohol because it can purposely convert those harmful moods into new and optimistic ideas. These useful ideas replace their negative points of views to favorable ones. This is also good in terms of changing one’s lifestyle into a regulated and disciplined way of living.

activities to stop drinking alcohol
Dinner with family members can help you to stop drinking alcohol 

An alcoholic may have ignored how he behaves in his everyday life. He may have neglected his physical health due to his addiction to alcohol. He may have lost his mental ability to think clearly because alcoholism had been darkened his trail all the way. His natural feelings of love and care for his family may have been dimmed by neglect. With all these complicated and detrimental events happened in his life, he may have accumulated hatred, selfishness, distress and other emotional issues unconsciously. And as he keeps on abusing alcohol, his condition continues to deteriorates, too.

An alcoholic lost his track. And he may have lost his courage to go back from the wrong path. He may have forgotten the energy and spirit he used to have in dealing with struggles. Refreshing his mind, body and soul after the decision to quit alcohol will do the trick. He can immediately re-establish his energy by bringing his whole being to an active state. By interacting to the world and society he is living. By simply doing the normal tasks which had been in the deep for a long time.

There are many ways to get back into the real world. Normal everyday living is just an inch away. Healthy lifestyle is just around the corner. Logical or critical thinking can be developed to provide fresh thoughts. And while a person quits drinking alcohol, he can also bring back these aspects by willingly working together with the outside world.

Some Activities That Can Help You to Stop Drinking Alcohol

If you enjoy physical activities, then you might as well try playing ball games. There are different sorts of ball games that you can play to stop your cravings for alcohol. These physical activities will not only make you physically active and redirect your mind from thinking about drinking but will also develop your self-esteem by means of socializing with other people. You will recall the feeling of how you enjoy doing normal tasks without alcohol.

You can start making new friends. Basketball, volleyball, tennis and baseball are few of the sports you can try to help you to stop drinking naturally. These activities require you to work together with other people. You will develop your ability to be a good team player. And will give you a chance to make new friends.

Physical activities are very useful in promoting a physically fit, full of confidence and smart individual. A person who became a slave of alcohol addiction may have lost his self-esteem and his reasons for living. It is a good idea to allow the individual heals his wounds and repairs the damages by making him realize his significance. By letting him feel he has a life worth living can help in following his dreams.

Writing poems, short stories and essays about your true experiences and personal stories as an alcoholic can serve as an outlet to let go of the negative thoughts and emotions. You can also Writing down these inside thoughts and ideas can provide you an effective way to get rid of habit once and for all. Writing requires you to think creatively, a good step in developing your artistic side. It is also a good way of practicing reasoning and comprehension skills.

If you have a backyard, you can make gardening one of your hobbies. And habits. It is a good activity that can help you to stop drinking alcohol and keep t that way. Growing plants and flowers can help you to stop drinking alcohol because they require constant efforts to succeed. It enhances your patience. It develops your ability to maintain your sobriety.

Keeping a pet is also an excellent activity you will enjoy and helps you to stop drinking alcohol. Your pet will add inspiration and motivation on your part. It will increase your skill in handling commitments and relationships as well as responsibility. While keeping a pet encourages you not to drink, it also teaches you to be dependable and dedicated.

Create a bonding experience with your family rather than hanging out with your drinking buddies. Make an effort to go home early after work and cook a special dinner for them. This idea will NOT ONLY prevent you to drink alcohol but will also repair your broken relationship with them. You may have ignored and mistreated your family in the past because of your uncontrolled behavior. They may have also lost their affection to you. Now is the time to restore the connection between you and the other family members. Now is the right time for you to recuperate and show them the real you.

You can do whatever activities you like. Just don’t include drinking and abusing alcohol on the list. You can still enjoy life even without alcohol. You can still be productive and useful even without the spirit of alcohol on your bloodstream. You can still be in high spirits even without alcohol in your hands. Live simple. Be contented with your life. Choose to be happy. You have all the reasons to live for. You have your family who supports your plans to stop drinking alcohol. You have your friends who comfort you in bad times. You still have your life. Rise up and move. From now on, make it a life worth living.

Quit alcohol now.

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