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03 December, 2012

Proper Diet Can Help Lessen Withdrawal Symptoms

Drinking plenty of water can help in decreasing the effects of alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

Water is surely on top of the list. Yes, water can help lessen alcohol withdrawal symptoms and can reduce the duration of symptoms because it is a natural neutralizer. You should make it a part of your everyday diet if you already decided quitting drinking alcohol. Water is an essential ingredient in combating the negative effects if symptoms that may arise due to the lacking of supply of alcohol in your system. Consume 8 – 9 glasses of water every day to replace the lost liquid in your system while you were abusing alcohol. This will help you restore the torn body’s system and will provide you good amount of neutralizer to change your chemistry. It will also give you the power and tolerance you need in completing a quit drinking program.

Include in your diet your favorite nutritious food. The starting point is crucial. It may be difficult for your body to bring back the appetite that was lost during those days of continuous excessive drinking. Eating food that you enjoy can help you gain back that lost appetite. It will tell your system that it is more enjoyable to eat than to drink alcohol. And once you are used to eat a well balanced diet, it will automatically be a part of your everyday routine.

diet in quitting alcohol
Drinking Plenty of Water is a Must

Food that can help you decrease the awful effects of symptoms of withdrawal includes fruits, leafy vegetables, cereals, yogurts, poultry and sea foods. Avoid foods that are rich in carbohydrates, sugar-rich food (like chocolates) though dark chocolate is good, artificial fruit juices and frozen food with artificial preservatives. Refrain from drinking coffee and soft drinks as well. Coffee and soda have caffeine which can make your heart palpitate, causing you to feel restless and uncomfortable.

If you drink heavily for a long period of time, your sugar level increases as alcohol contains artificial sweeteners or refined sugar. When you stop drinking alcohol, your body will crave for sugar as a part of the withdrawal process. Sugar itself is an addiction and stopping the supply will increase the demand of the body for it. Thus, the body will react, demanding you to consume more. But, with proper diet such as fruits, which contains lots of natural sugar, you can overcome this situation. Try natural alternatives to gratify you cravings for sweets. Bananas, apples, atis, guyabano and oranges can provide natural sugar and will help lessen withdrawal symptoms. Making natural juices from these fruits can also help in increasing the immune system of the body.

When you stop drinking alcohol, the need for vitamins and mineral are obvious. It can help you deal with the symptoms and will replenish your system, allowing you to have full recovery. The idea is to substitute the toxins and poisonous chemicals that were absorbed by the body during continuous alcohol abuse. The process is also called detoxification which acts as a cleansing tool. The faster the body gets rid of the toxins and poisonous chemicals it had absorbed in the past, the quicker it will recover.

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can rapidly increase. Mild symptoms can become severe if not properly treated. It is essential to seek for medical help. People who are abusing alcohol for many years should visit a physician. There are several treatments including medications and drugs that can help lessen the effects of withdrawal symptoms especially severe signs of withdrawals such as seizures, shakes and delirium tremens.

With the combination of good exercise activities, balance diet and guidance from correct people, a patient suffering from alcoholism can combat his alcohol addiction, lessen the alcohol withdrawal symptoms and get back from his negative condition without spending too much on his rehabilitation.


  1. The treatment of alcoholism and alcohol varies from one alcoholic to another according to the amount of addiction to alcohol and wine as the alcohol substance found in beer, wine and other alcoholic beverages (Kalowski and vodka) affect the chemical activity of the brain addicted to alcohol


  2. Water with a slice of lemon - Vit's - Low Acid Food's. The body needs to rebalance. Look up Green Smoothie, Grenola this combined with Niacin Blast and Multi Vits should replenish your system at breakfast reasonably quickly. Always consume the Smoothie (fruit) before any solids as you want it straight into a empty stomach for full effect. Lunch, Banana, Apple or Pear FIRST then 3 Omega-3 Eggs on Whole grain Bread. Dinner, Fruit first then Chicken with lots of Veg or Salad. Never consume Fruit after Solids it will ferment in your system. Snack on Rice cakes and fruit. Avoid white flours, white rice and anything processed. You will feel the benefits after a few days. One last tip drink room temperature water with your fruit before you eat solids. Worked for me.


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