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04 December, 2012

Giving Up Alcohol

Random Thoughts About the Addiction

An individual who believes he has drinking problem should learn when enough is enough. I know that it is very difficult giving up a habit that has been lying down the system for a very long time. But a person must quit alcohol before he wakes up one morning and finds out it is too late to get out of the situation. Many alcoholics (people I know) who have not managed to get through can actually “escape” from this terrible condition if only they try to quit earlier.

If you are abusing alcohol for years, now is the time to quit drinking. Binge drinking or defined as “the act of drinking just to get drunk” by doctors could lead to negative habit and will eventually bring you to alcohol addiction. It will not only damage your whole life but will destroy your relationships to the people around you.

Despite the fact that the issue about alcohol addiction, its nature and its solutions are all still in many debates in most part of the world, we need to completely understand our own condition in order to achieve recovery. We all know now that alcohol addiction involves health issues, personal problems and social aspects. Each alcoholic is different from another so it is recommended to introduce a personalized treatment program that can cater all the personal issue involved. In the definition, alcoholism involves uncontrollable drinking thus; solutions should be focused on that problem.

I know a lot of people who made family members and friends cover up for their drinking problems. Alcohol dependents frequently engaged their loved ones to make excuses for them and push them to pretend that they do not have issues in life. After extended and frequent reasoning, those family members or loved ones can have difficulty in accepting the truth that they have been an element of the problem, making the situation more complicated. But, this can be prevented by means of intervention. Family members or friends should not tolerate this habit. Making excuses for the sake of the person involve will only make things worse.

Once the family members realize they need to help the alcoholic not by means of these excuses, they can have time to intervene. A great time to discuss the situation to an alcoholic may come shortly after an alcohol related problem has occurred. Talk with delicate words and avoid confrontations.

Alcohol Addiction Facts

In a recent research conducted by Anti-Alcoholism Society in the Philippines on the effects of the substance on the brain, they found out that the cells and nerves show signs of injuries and will take some time to repair even until recovery period. Individuals who abuse alcohol may experience brain damage and intoxication.

What is Alcoholism for Me?

Alcohol addiction is a disease associated to a person who is greatly and chronically abusing alcohol despite of the negative effects of alcohol to his life. In most cases, people who have chronic and severe case of alcohol addiction have a difficult time quitting alcohol due to lack of willpower and motivation. The meaning of alcohol addiction or alcohol dependency and alcoholism is simply “uncontrollable drinking behavior”. The use of alcohol characterized by obsession and abuse that eventually affects his behavior and his health. It produces reactions such as alcohol withdrawal symptoms when the alcoholic suddenly stopped drinking or significantly reduced his consumption. However, an alcoholic knows that the definition is far more complicated than in real life. Alcohol addiction has a damaging effect to a person’s life and his social environment. Alcohol dependency will eventually lead to uncontrollable behavior. In fact it is associated to uncontrollable attitudes.

Many experts define alcoholism as a dependency to alcohol despite the fact that he is aware of the negative effects of the substance in his life, in general. People who have this condition will continue to drink, abuse alcohol and pretend that he has no problem at all. For example, in my case, I will drink alcohol every night even though I know that I will be having hard time waking up in the morning to go to work. I would still take that booze and drink until I blackout.

Alcoholism affects a person’s point of view. Alcohol abuse is one of the main causes of road accidents and domestic violence. In fact, there are lots of people who have engaged into troubles and illegal activities when they are under the influence of alcohol.

Fortunately, there are many things that we can do in order to tackle drinking problems. If you notice someone you know has drinking problems or has been engaging to several incidents that involves his drinking patterns, you should help them as soon as possible. Maybe the first step is to discuss the problem with the person involve. Talk to them and let them know that you are concern with their behavior whenever they are drunk. Encourage them to quit drinking alcohol and divert their habits to something more productive and creative. Allow them to feel that there are people who are willing to help them and assist them into the road of recovery. May be these people only need a starting point. And a good starting point of recovery is to have people on their side that they can trust.

I am a victim of life changing event.

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